What Does Legal Hero Marketing Do For Lawyers & Law Firms?
We help busy law firms, that are overwhelmed with the challenges of successfully marketing their legal practice in a digital world, to consistently find their ideal clients and GROW with a concierge digital marketing partnership.
You want to practice Law - helping your ideal clients & working on quality legal cases.
You don't want to spend billable hours deciphering the latest SEO & SEM algorithms - What is that!!

How Do We Help With Legal Marketing?
When we partner with you, we design and execute aggressive digital marketing strategies specifically for lawyers that drive massive amounts of qualified traffic to your website and produce the best legal clients and cases consistently for your firm.
That ensures that you can focus on being a Legal Hero, defending your clients.
While we take care of the digital marketing activities and processes that are necessary to ensure that you continue to get those quality clients and cases coming to you.

Why Do I Need To Invest in Digital Marketing For my Legal Practice?
Most of the clients you're looking for start their search - for lawyers like you - online.
Recent statistics show that 96% of people who need legal help use a search engine to find a lawyer.
That number continues to grow.
We want to make sure that when they go searching, it's YOU they find.
The lawyers and law firms with a solid digital marketing strategy dominate their markets.

Why Partner With Legal Hero Marketing?
There are a million digital marketing firms out there. Why choose us?
At Legal Hero Marketing, we do one thing only. Digital marketing for lawyers. That's our expertise.
And, unlike many other firms, we form true, exclusive, partnerships with our clients.
Here's some of what to expect when you work with us:

Exclusive Partnership
We NEVER work with your competition.
We work with only one law firm in a practice area per business market.
If you're a Personal Injury attorney serving clients in all of Florida and you're our partner, you're the only Personal Injury attorney we're working with in that market. Period.
Anything else is a conflict of interest. We don't like conflicts of interest.
Learn More About Our Approach For Delivering Digital Marketing Success To Lawyers
What Do I Get When I Partner With Legal Hero Marketing?
To market your law firm successfully on the Internet, many different activities, processes and Internet platforms need to be working harmoniously to continuously get you the clients and cases your legal practice depends on.
It takes a village. We bring the village.
What's In The Digital Marketing Mix
They totally understand how to market law firms on the Internet.
Not only did they build an amazing, easy to use, website for my firm, but they also executed a marketing strategy that is producing amazing results.
They think about absolutely everything that will lead to success for your firm and bring it all to the table.
- Lina Stillman, Stillman Legal PC.

Want to Grow Your Practice With a Steady Flow of Clients?
Give us a call on 212-320-8998